What is Soul Star Resumes? 

First I would like to begin by saying the fact that you found Soul Star Resumes is no accident.  You were meant to be here…

Soul Star Resumes is a typical resume writing service but with a bit of a “spiritual twist”. It is a service that I have created as a resume writer and as a licensed Spiritual Healer-Coach who believes strongly in the powers of manifestation, positive energy and asking the universe for what we want in the interest of our highest good.  Soul Star Resumes offers everything that a traditional resume writing service offers but with additional "divine" benefits and gifts.  I have combined my spiritual path and spiritual gifts and coupled them with my gifts and talents as a resume writer.  As spiritual beings (and if you are on this website it is because you are a spiritual being) we ask certain things of the universe.   We ask of those things only in our highest good and when we pray for others or send divine love and light to others, we ask of those things in their highest good as well.  We call on certain angels, guides, spirit guides, guardians and ascended masters or energies when we do this work. 

So this is how Soul Star Resumes works; after I complete you resume package, I will place your resume and its components on my angel altar, and I will channel and ask for the highest intention for you through the universe.  As this light, divine, loving energy and high frequency healing comes channeled through, I will ask for your highest good in finding employment, a new job or the career you are seeking and abundance.   Your resume will remain on my angel altar for 3-5 days as I do this energy work on a daily basis.  So to sum it up, I am doing divine healing and energy work on you in conjunction with creating a resume package for you.  There is no additional charge for this.  It is part of my service to humanity and it is my way of combining my love of resume writing and my love for spirituality and the spiritual path I support. Remember it is not just what we do in life or in our employment but rather what we are while we are doing it! 

 Your resume package will receive 3-5 days of divine healings and channelings before it is sent to you.  I also have a healing practice called Soul Star Therapy (www.soulstartherapy.com) and you can visit my website and learn more about myself, my healing practice and my life’s mission and passion.  If you currently do work with specific angels, light beings or ascended masters, you can tell me which ones that you do work with and I will call upon them when doing channeling for you and your resume package.  The only thing that I ask of you is that you give yourself permission to receive this divine, loving, high frequency energy that I send you when working with your resume package.  I will ask for your resume to work for you for your “highest good” and with the utmost “purest intentions”.  I will also give you any messages that come through while I am working with your resume and completing the process.

So now that you understand the basics of what Soul Star Resumes offers, let me begin by asking you a few basic questions;

  1. Are you a new graduate?
  2. Are you someone with years of professional experience?
  3. Are you still a student?
  4. Are you an executive that displays an index of experience and skills? 
  5. Do you simply want a new profession or is your current job not rewarding enough?
  6. Do you believe in what we ask of the universe we can have?
  7. Do you believe in the abilities of positive energy's and positive affirmations?
  8. Is it more abundance you are seeking?
  9. Do you believe everything happens for a reason and we are not really human beings trying to be spiritual but rather spiritual beings trying to be human?

If you answered yes to any of these questions then my services will surely help you expand and dramatically improve your job hunt with many of my diverse resume packages!!

One important thing I would like to address is that I do not use resume templates. Each resume is custom written and designed and built to fit your qualifications and strengths. Don’t ever be afraid to market yourself and get that rewarding career that you may be seeking! 

Your resume has many challenges when it comes to being written at any level of work experience. Employers are looking for effective communicators, leadership qualities, driven and result-oriented individuals. Your resume is a unique tool that blends all your skills and experience and will be the first impression your potential employer receives of you before you even walk through the door.   Get the career you deserve, and with a little extra "divine" love and light you can find yourself in the position of your dreams.  But as with anything you have to believe in it and want it!

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All My Resume packages are strategically designed and carefully choreographed with a creative nature to highlight your skills and focus on you as an excellent candidate for whichever job or position you are seeking!!